Castoro Cellars ORGANIC Paso Robles Sauvignon Blanc 2023 750ml

Castoro Cellars ORGANIC Paso Robles Sauvignon Blanc 2023 750ml

SKU: 20326
Size: 750ml
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This Estate grown Sauvi­gnon Blanc is SIP Cer­ti­fied and CCOF Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic. A peren­ni­al favorite among white wines! Made with grapes grown in our organ­i­cal­ly farmed Estate Dos Viñas vine­yard; it is high­ly aro­mat­ic and refresh­ing. This is a dry, yet fruit dri­ven, wine with a refresh­ing bou­quet . What makes this wine unique and so ver­sa­tile is the play between fruit and a del­i­cate crisp mouth­feel. Often it is the ear­li­est grape we har­vest in the fall due to it being an ear­ly ​‘ripen­er’ plus our desire to har­vest it at a low­er sweet­ness com­pared to our varieties.

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